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21 articles in English

Today's featured article

Jane Austen (16 December 1775 – 18 July 1817) was an English writer of popular genre fiction, with a principal focus on works about zombies. It has been said that "with a little more talent and application, she could have been the Stephenie Meyer of her day."[citation needed] It has also been successfully argued that her work was a significant influence on other zombie writers such as Mary Shelley and Mrs Gaskell. Her principal claim to fame, however, is her relationship with the celebrated alien hunter George Wickham, resulting in the notorious work known as Pride and Prejudice. The resulting controversy all but destroyed her career, although she did write several more novels, all of which were received with general indifference from the book-buying public. Several more books appeared under her name posthumously, but most Austenologists regard these as little more than contemptible forgeries. (more...)

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In the news

Mrs Darcy versus the Aliens

  • At last the truth can be told ... Mrs Darcy versus the Aliens was released in September 2011.
  • Ban on publication finally lifted.
  • Jane Austen still unavailable for comment.