Mrs Darcy, Episode Ninety-Five and More Other Stuff

Meanwhile, in the West East Wing of Rosings, Wickham makes an unexpected discovery or two. Only five more episodes to go now, plus the epilogue! Excited? I can barely contain myself …


In other news, Adrian Chamberlin, one of my fellow “M is for Monster” authors, dropped in this afternoon to deliver my copies of the anthology. It’s always nice to meet other writers and the anthology looks absolutely cracking. Can’t wait to read it.

Finally, here’s a really interesting interview on Simon Kewin’s blog with Maureen Scott, the co-founder of Ether Books. Fascinating stuff. As regular readers will know, I’ve got a couple of stories on Ether already and I believe that Simon is going to be joining the Ether community soon himself. Definitely worth keeping an eye on.

2 thoughts on “Mrs Darcy, Episode Ninety-Five and More Other Stuff

  1. Simon Kewin says:


    I am! I have three stories appearing there soon, I’m delighted to say.

    I love the M is for Monster cover. Very cool.

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