I might have said this before, but if there’s one thing more exciting than having a single book published, it’s having a series of books published with matching covers. Covers are so important – even when, as I am these days, you’re primarily in the digital market. So I feel particularly fortunate that with Farrago, I have ended up with a publisher who is exceptionally good at picking cover designs.
All of which is by way of introduction to this beauty, which Mark Swan aka kid-ethic has once again put together for Book 3, THE RIDDLE OF THE FRACTAL MONKS. Isn’t it amazing?

Guess I’d better finish writing the thing, then…
In other news, I’ve just spotted a lovely video review for DIP FLASH (remember that?) on Katie Lumsden’s Books and Things YouTube channel. I’ve embedded it on the DIP FLASH review page here. Whilst I was checking out her channel, I also realised she’d reviewed some other books of mine over the last couple of years, so I’ve added them to their respective review pages, too. (Thanks, Katie!)