Long time followers may remember that I’m a bit of a fan of book trailers. Yes, I know conventional wisdom is that they’re a waste of time, but I suspect that most of them tend to be ignored because they’re a bit dull. Mine, on the other hand, tend to get ignored because a) they’re a bit odd and b) my marketing footprint is about the size of a toddler’s first pair of Start-Rite sandals.
So here’s another one for you to ignore. It’s for my new book THE RIDDLE OF THE FRACTAL MONKS, which is published by the Farrago imprint of Duckworth Books on April 16th. Do take a look and if you like it, share it with your friends. If you hate it, share it with them as well. It’s the views I’m after. (BTW that really is me singing.)
In other news, I did a sort of interview with NFReads, in which I talk about creativity, inspiration and unexpected things you can do with fourteen foot of garden hose.
Finally, I was tagged out of the blue by the excellent Slow Culture magazine to alert me to their extremely flattering review of LOVE AND LOSS AND OTHER IMPORTANT STUFF. So much has happened since that book came out three years ago that I’d almost forgotten I’d written it. I think my favourite thing about having books published is hearing from complete strangers, and I’m completely baffled by a view that was circulating on Twitter this week that it was somehow bad to tag authors into good reviews. Sure, if your review’s a stinker, it’s not a nice thing to do. But a nice review of something can absolutely make a writer’s day.