So there I was last night, thinking to myself that I really should get around to writing about what I read in February, when it occurred to me that I should probably hold off on that because there were MORE IMPORTANT THINGS to write about at the present moment, such as THIS NEW BOOK coming out. Unbelievably, given how late I started in all this, this is my tenth book and I have to say that the excitement of seeing a new one go out into the world never diminishes.
This time round, my publishers have arranged a blog tour to promote the book, which is rather terrifying, as these are all complete strangers to me and ANYTHING could happen:

Fortunately, things have got off to a very good start with a very nice review from Tony Hill. I’m particularly pleased that he says he’s enjoyed it as a stand-alone novel but that he also wants to go back and read the first three.
What else can I say? I think this is probably the best book yet in the series, but then again I’m quite fond of all of them. They’re funny as well as being oddly exciting at times and I’d like to think that people will feel better for having read them. What more can you ask for in a novel?