In Dip Flash we are taken to worlds where houses disappear, a wife runs off with a porpoise, and on to Heaven, where only French is spoken. From a bull in a china shop to a scheme for releasing the equity in grannies, these stories are dark and raw, grotesque and fantastic. They are also laugh-out-loud funny.
Dip Flash was published by Cultured Llama in 2018.
It’s really quite a remarkable collection – compact, witty, incisive and surreal. Loved it!
Joanne Harris
Endlessly inventive and astonishingly original these sharply executed slivers of wit and fun are well-crafted yet have at the same time a rawness that makes you feel that they could have sprung out from Pinnock’s mind in one single unedited bound.
David Gaffney
Here’s some stuff about a few of the stories that are in it.
This is from Nicholas Royle’s introduction to Salt’s Best British Short Stories 2016, talking about ‘The Picture of Mrs Tandoğan’:

Here’s Ashley Stokes, editor of the Unthology series of Anthologies, in an excellent interview about short stories, during the course of which he lists ‘Hay. Pee. Ah. Wrist’ as one of thirteen quintessential Unthology stories.
Finally, here’s Gareth D Jones, picking ‘Teamwork’ as one of his favourite stories of 2011, with an added bonus of artist Caroline Parkinson writing about her illustrations for the story in Murky Depths.
There are more reviews here.