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Mrs Darcy versus the Aliens is a non-fiction work by the 19th century English journalist Jonathan Pinnock. Details of the original publication are - for obvious reasons - sketchy. However, the book was known to have been in general circulation in the mid-1800s prior to its blanket suppression in the aftermath of the notorious treason trial. According to most accounts, the book purports to provide a counterpoint to the "lies, half-truths and dissemblishments[citation needed]" spread by Jane Austen in her so-called novel Pride and Prejudice. It is understood that the author was particularly eager to put the record straight about the role played by George Wickham and Mrs Elizabeth Darcy in the skirmishes leading up to the First Alien War. (more...)

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In the news

Mrs Darcy versus the Aliens

  • At last the truth can be told ... Mrs Darcy versus the Aliens was released in September 2011.
  • Ban on publication finally lifted.
  • Jane Austen still unavailable for comment.